Your smile says a lot about you. It communicates your mood, what’s on your mind, and some less obvious things, like what you value — such as good hygiene, a professional appearance, and self-respect.
A bright smile may even land you a job or spark a new relationship. Perhaps that’s why 99% of Americans surveyed say that their smile is their most important social asset, and more than 45 million of them have put their money where their mouth is and have had their teeth professionally whitened.
If you’re one of them, you’ll want to do everything you can to keep your fresh, white teeth looking their best for as long as possible. Healthy Dental Expressions, in Lake Worth, Florida, and our expert team can help you extend the life and look of your new smile with a few simple, but essential, guidelines.
The most important ways to protect your newly whitened teeth should already be part of your dental hygiene routine, but they’re even more important now. You should:
The list of things to avoid is essential if you want to keep stains to a minimum. Just remember that deep or dark-colored foods (reds and purples in particular) are the worst culprits. To avoid stains, don’t:
Those are some of the things you can easily avoid, but there are a few teeth stainers that you may have to live with. That’s OK — just come in for a touch-up when needed. Things that stain or discolor your teeth but are mostly beyond your control include:
If you haven’t yet had your teeth whitened and are curious about what’s involved, Healthy Dental Expressions offers the most advanced and most effective treatments available. After we meet with you to check the condition of your teeth and learn the extent of your aesthetic goals, he develops a teeth whitening treatment plan just right for your smile.
If you’ve just whitened your teeth and would like our team to help you maintain it, or you’re in the market for a smile makeover, call us today or request an appointment online.
3960 Hypoluxo Rd, Suite 101,
Boynton Beach, FL 33436
MON - THU9:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRI9:00 am - 1:00 pm
SAT - SUNClosed